Fostering Soft Skills in Active Labor Market Programs: Evidence from a Large-Scale RCT (with Analia Schlosser)
Forthcoming Journal of Human Resources, Summary in VoxEu
Forthcoming Journal of Human Resources, Summary in VoxEu
The Intergenerational Effects of Welfare Transfers among Single Mothers: Evidence from an Israeli Welfare Reform
Journal of Public Economics 237 (2024): 105207.
Journal of Public Economics 237 (2024): 105207.
The Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws and Child Labor Restrictions on Fertility: Evidence from the Early Twentieth Century
Journal of Population Economics 36.1 (2023): 321-358.
Journal of Population Economics 36.1 (2023): 321-358.
Work in progress
Religious Safety Nets and their Effects on Human Capital (with Naomi Gershoni, Raina Gihleb, Hani Mansour and Assaf Kott)
A Broader Perspective on Active Labor Market Programs: Examining Long-Term and Intergenerational Effects (with Analia Schlosser)
Policy papers (Hebrew)
ד"וח הערכה תכנית מעגלי תעסוקה (עם אנליה שלוסר) - אוקטובר 2018
תכנית מעגלי תעסוקה: ד"וח ביניים (עם אנליה שלוסר) - מאי 2016